Sunday, March 14, 2010

What do I think about food?

Food is more than an essential need. To me food is the link between the outside world and the capacity to store current events in our long term memory. I can just like Tita in the book, smell a dish similar to my moms cooking and transport myself to a past memory reviving the events that took place at that moment. It's funny how one particular smell can mean so much that it leaves a permanent stamp in your brain which activates every time you sense it and triggers all those feelings. Food is also a means to show your appreciation or resentment towards someone. I remember how exciting it was to make a meal for my ex or even friends when they came over for dinner. Just knowing that a meal could have us all together talking and enjoying each others company was an incentive to cook for hours and do it all over again. However it can also be a form of showing your resentment. I remember getting upset at my mom and not eat her food, no matter how hungry I was. It was my way of telling her I was mad and rebellious. Food can also have an intimate meaning. I remember going to the candy store with my ex and spent about five euros buying all kinds of sour candy because she loved it. Then we will walk to the beach near by and sit in the boardwalk enjoying the view while eating the candy, even though I was not a big fan of sour candy, I could eat it for days if it was with her. Now that we are not longer together, I could care less about it, the connection between sour candy and the pleasure related to it, is not longer there.


  1. Its cute that you useto eat sour candy cause of your girl before, even though you didnt like it much. Funny we we'd do for loved ones... nice entry :]

  2. These are great examples of how emotion (puppy love, anger) can affect our tastes and our behavior.

  3. I know we do things we never thought of doing when we are in love, or should I say puppy love like Dr, M? :)

  4. I like how you compared yourself to Tita hehehe but i so get what you mean cause that always happens to me. That's sweet that you use to eat sour candy just because your ex liked to eat it.
